Back in 2013, Genus ABS launched NuEra Genetics, with the plan to pioneer the most superior beef genetics, using a rigorous and innovative process.
The NuEra Genetics programme is developed by our team of expert geneticists, who determine the ideal matings based on key genetic criteria and creating thousands of embryos.
Those embryos will be used to create live calves, which will then be evaluated for economically relevant traits
Sires which score highest for those traits will be further evaluated in our customer’s herds. Those who prove to be superior will be used in dairy and beef farms around the world.
These elite genetics will firstly need to meet the needs of the dairy herd delivering easily born, short gestation and good quality calves. These calves will require fewer days on feed, quick growth rates and higher carcase quality to drive more profitability for beef finishers and processors.
Genus ABS’ NuEra Genetics deliver proven and reliable beef genetics for the dairy farmer to maximise calf crop value whilst driving beef supply chain efficiency to enhance sustainability and profitability.
This year we feature 47 sires across 7 different breeds.
What makes our NuEra Genetics sires superior? They offer:
- Proven performance on dairy cows for calving ease, calf quality, gestation length and calf survivability
- Proven fertility performance on dairy cows, in turn generating farmers more money per insemination
- Highly marketable calves to generate more profit
- Calves that have quick growth rates, improved feed efficiency and fewer days to harvest, which makes NuEra calves more attractive to calf buyers
Headline NuEra Genetics sires
Angus: NuEra T14 0136 –

This is our highest BeefAdvantage bull to graduate through the testing programme to date.
He adds an additional financial benefit of £101.49 to the dairy farmer due to his progeny being exceptionally easy calving, with a gestation length of 279 days, making him three days shorter than the average sire.
Whilst his calves are small born, they are of exceptional conformation and shape.
Angus: Skaill Emperor –

Skaill Emperor is the ultimate calving ease specialist when used on both cows and heifers. His calves are small born with great survivability resulting in great customer feedback.
He also produces great calf quality, making him a brilliant choice for those selling in the market.
British Blue: NuEra Optimus Prime –

Optimus Prime recently graduated from our testing programme with flying colours. He ranks in the top three for BeefAdvantage, offering an additional £84.30 per calving.
He has a calving ease of 0.1%, meaning the vast majority of his calves are born without any assistance.
His progeny are small and consistently blue-roan. He is quickly becoming a true customer favourite
British Blue NUERA T15 P0180 –

A great all round bull that delivers on all economically relevant traits for the dairy farmer; calving ease, gestation length, calf survivability and calf quality.
He is a specialist for calf quality coupled with better than average calving ease.
Interested in learning more about NuEra Genetics? Download our new brochure today, or get in touch with your local breeding advisor.