Beef Cornerstone…how does it work?

What does it mean?

Having a Beef Cornerstone Membership… the benefits to you!

*Credits only available for surveys completed on dairy cows- £10 for fully completed British Blue and Angus surveys, £7.50 for any other breed- credits must be exchanged for goods or services

NuEra Sires
These sires are pedigree Angus and British Blue sires registered with the UK Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society and British Blue Cattle Society respectively. However, these sires should be used for commercial use only as progeny will not be accepted for registration in the respective breed society Herd Book. Please record the sire ID on passports to qualify for Angus progeny schemes.
British Blue | Newpole Patriot |
British Blue | NuEra Optimus Prime |
Hereford | Solpoll 1 Spike |
Simmental | Garmouth Kingston |
Limousin | Ampertaine Protector |
Charolais | Myerscough Phantom |
Customer Testimonials
“We currently use Genus ABS test British Blue sires on our non breeders, and use a selection of different sires at one time to spread the risk. The calves are thrifty and are easy to manage. The calving survey form is clear and easy to fill out. To date, we’ve had some great calves by Genus ABS test beef sires.”
Andrew Gilbert. Newcourt Barton Farm, Devon, milking 500 cows
“Since signing up to the Beef Cornerstone Program, I have been very happy with the calves we have had from the Beef Cornerstone bulls. We finish our beef calves on farm, so its good to see how the Beef Cornerstone sires compare to the proven sires with calving ease and growth rates. It has also given us a chance to get an early heads up on some good bulls which would fit into our system.”
Matthew Sowray, Brook House Farm, Yorkshire. Milking 150 Holstein’s on AYR Calving System.