Our long-term partnership with Geno, a Norwegian based cattle genetics company, has seen Norwegian Red genetics become a great complement to the ABS genetics portfolio.
Why should you consider Norwegian Red genetics?
Known for their resistance against disease, Norwegian Red cattle are an all-round healthy breed, one which offers a robust nature and will require fewer vet bills over their lifetime.
Most farmers desire extremely productive animals which are long-lasting, fertile and medium -sized, to ensure efficiency. Truly efficient cows will be of a smaller stature and will in turn, consume less feed, whilst still producing the same amount of milk as a large cow.
The Norwegian Red is one of the most versatile breeds available on the market, helping thousands of farmers meet their on-farm objectives; whether that is to increase yields, reduce stature, increase components, or improve the overall health and fertility of their herd.
With more milk contracts in the UK now requiring an increased quality of milk, breeds such as Norwegian Red can help. On average, the fat and protein content are higher for this breed when compared to others.
As well as an improved fat and protein content, the breed also demonstrates great udder health, daughter fertility and feet and legs, making them a fertile and robust breed.

Should you crossbreed with Norwegian Red genetics?
Adopting a crossbreeding approach can help you to create a more easy-to-manage herd, one which is bred with the most applicable traits of each breed to meet your goals.
When crossbreeding animals, it is important to consider breed complementarity, which refers to the way genetics of one breed can ‘complement’ the genetics of another, or in turn, mask the weaknesses of another breed.
Would block calving work for this breed?
For the sake of functionality, more customers are opting for Norwegian Red genetics to improve the overall profitability of their businesses. Not only that, opting for this breed has seen many farmers change their calving systems.
To improve lifestyle habits, people are turning to a block-calving method of practice, so that they have more time to spend with their families, on different work-related tasks, or just to make more time to relax at home.

Using Norwegian Red as part of the Winning Game Plan?
Genus ABS are proud to have Norwegian Red genetics available in RedX, sexed semen, which uses the same Intelligen® technology as our Sexcel® product, the most fertile sexed genetics in the industry.
As part of the Winning Game Plan strategy, we recommend using RedX on your highest-performing animals, and our NuEra Beef Genetics on your lower-performing females.
Utilising this approach will see the genetics of your herd improve over time, whilst maximising your profits from high-value beef calf crops.