Beef Sires

Please use this Autumn update in conjunction with
our main 2023-24 Beef Sire Directory.

Spring 2023 was the largest domestic acquisition
period in our Australian beef business, with 6 new
domestic sires across the Angus, Simmental and
Wagyu breeds being added to our line-up.

Huge demand for domestically sourced sires with
balanced performance data and sound phenotype
is reflected in this update, and we remain
committed to providing the very best domestic and
international product to our customers in Australia
and New Zealand.

Highlights in this edition include the $200,000
Millah Murrah Santiago, the record top priced
black Simmental Woonallee Toronto as well as our
new, one of a kind, Arubial Genjiro Jr Wagyu younggun.

New bulls are entering the ABS fold over the
coming months, both from Australia and the
US. Please stay up-to-date by subscribing to our
mailing list as well as our social media pages on
Facebook and Instagram.

We wish breeders Australia-wide all the best with
their Autumn programs, and stay tuned for our new
2024-25 main sire directory in early Spring!

For further beef assistance please contact Fletch, Kim or Annie.