Create Dairy-Beef Crossbred Marketability

Group of dairy-beef crossbreds at a feed bunk

The beef supply chain recognizes that not all black-hided animals are created equal. Without a clear strategy, dairy-beef crossbred calves can grow and finish like a dairy animal rather than a beef animal. Generic dairy-beef crossbreds take longer to finish than native beef and can cause processing challenges due to inconsistent sizes.

Due to the wide gap in dairy-beef crossbred quality, marketability is more important than ever before. When dairy farmers blindly select only the top fertility and calving ease sires, the dairy will benefit, but the resulting calf may not be suited for a career in the beef supply chain. Complementing dairy cows with the right beef sires creates consistent cross calves buyers can confidently buy and continue to market. Blue Beef InFocus™ ear tags are also available to brand and differentiate Beef InFocus genetics from generic beef on dairy breeding.  

Beef InFocus starts by selecting the top sires based on terminal beef traits like growth, efficiency and carcass traits using the NuEra Profit Index™. NuEra Genetics™ is the genetic engine behind Beef InFocus. Then, only the top NuEra Profit Index sires qualify for further selection using fertility and calving trait evaluations for dairies. This ensures dairies get the fertility and calving experience they deserve, while also making a cross calf that will succeed in the beef supply chain.

“I never know what kind of animal I’m going to get with generic beef on dairy calves but when I see a blue tagged, Beef InFocus™ calf, I know that animal is going to perform well on my operation”

Amy Shiplett, Bon-Home Farms, Chilton, WI

Beef InFocus creates the most profitable terminal calves throughout the supply chain, better positioning your calves’ marketability in the short and long-term. Connect with an ABS Representative to get started.

[SHOP: Bull Semen]

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