The most continuous task you are challenged with as a dairy producer is managing milk quality and output. To properly manage, and even increase, milk quality and production, a producer must ensure that a cow is comfortable in her environment. Cow comfort is directly related to the amount of milk she produces. Thus, it’s important to not turn a blind eye to proper udder care—otherwise, you may put your operation at risk for unstable milk production.
At ABS Global, we have a comprehensive UdderCare product line that can help improve or maintain cow comfort, but what sets us apart from anyone else in the teat health business is our people! Our people are here to support you every step of the way.
Two Reasons to Make Managing Udder Health a Top Priority

One of the most expensive health problems in the dairy industry is mastitis. It costs a dairy more than any other disease. Mastitis can lead to lower production and milking inefficiencies. The important thing to remember is that insufficient germicidal effectiveness or improper cleaning can increase the risk of harmful bacteria being left behind which can cause mastitis.

Well-conditioned teats mean healthy teats which equates to better milk quality. A cow’s vulnerability to infection may be increased by the dryness, cracking, or chapping of its teat skin. Maintaining healthy teat skin will reduce your risk of infection, improve cow comfort, and boost profitability through effective milking.
Our ABS UdderCare: Quality Milk Systems Offering
The ABS UdderCare team wakes up and thinks about milk quality and production every day. That’s why we offer the industry-leading product to ensure superior teat and udder health. See an overview of the ABS UdderCare: Quality Milk Systems product offering below.
Pre- or post dips that do NOT need to be mixed with water on the dairy.

Pre- or post dips that NEED to be mixed with water on the dairy.
Sterilizes surface areas it contacts to maintain a clean and bacteria free environment.

Seals teats to reduce milk leakage and decrease bacterial entrance to teat ends at dry off.
Uses technology that optimizes cow comfort and improves production, efficiency, and profitablity.

Our team of experts are available to problem solve on your dairy and help improve milk quality.
The ABS Difference: People, Products, Results
At ABS, we know that quality milk is essential to your dairy. The products you chose for udder care and to keep your equipment and barns clean affects not only udder health but your bottom line. The ABS UdderCare: Quality Milk Systems product line starts with a strong formulation with high-quality inputs and manufactured in adherence to the Good Manufacturing Practice principles through Ecolab. Our products are tested following the National Mastitis Council guidelines which provide detailed guidance for conducting research studies on the efficacy of specific teat dip products. So, you can trust we are not just experimenting and testing on the fly.

But truthfully, our products are not the only thing that sets us apart. It is our people. It is our value-added services. We begin by understanding your dairy before a product is ever used. Knowing your dairy allows us to recommend the right products at the right time and continuously monitor product usage to ensure maximum protection. We are not in the business to just sell a product to a dairy. We are in the business of helping a dairy problem solve issues on farm and increase profitability through improving milk quality.
Looking to protect yourself against costly diseases and lower milk production?
Get in touch with your UdderCare Specialist TODAY!