Beef on Dairy, But Not Like You’ve Seen Before
Beef on dairy is not new to our industry. In fact, we create more beef cross calves than ever before as dairies zero in on genetic selection and turn up their selection intensity. Utilizing beef sires on lower genetic quality dairy cows is a routine genetic management strategy. Because we create more beef cross calves than ever before the need to differentiate yourself has never been greater as competition increases in the market.
Beef InFocus brings dairy producers proven and reliable beef genetics that maximize calf crop value and drive beef supply chain efficiency. Beef InFocus is unique compared to other beef on dairy programs. Find out why below!
Beef InFocus: Proven Dairy Performance with Beef Supply Chain Marketability
Bred By Design
The genetic engine behind Beef InFocus is ABS Global’s exclusive terminal beef genetic line, NuEra Genetics. NuEra Genetics was started in 2014 to improve profitability through precise genetic selection, primarily focused on terminal performance for dairy producers. NuEra is comprised of a SimAngus hybrid line and designed as an ideal terminal solution that maximizes productivity, efficiency, and sustainability while complementing the dairy cow.
Beef InFocus sires are specifically selected for growth, feed intake, and carcass quality, but evaluated upon performance on dairy before entering the lineup.
Validated for Dairy Performance
With dairy producers top of mind, ABS looks at three trait categories that drive profitability on a dairy: genetics, fertility, and calving. Thus, before any sire makes it to our Beef InFocus lineup, we measure their predicted performance compared to more than 4 million fertility records on over 1,000 farms and 1.6 million calving events to ensure they meet our program thresholds. Additionally, we work to determine the dam population—Holstein, Jersey, or both—each graduate will compliment best through a phenotypic evaluation of frame and muscle score.
BeefAdvantage Index
Our BeefAdvantage Index calculates our beef sires’ performance on dairy to assist you in choosing beef sires who won’t compromise reproduction in your dairy. Our exclusive index encompasses the key factors for a successful operation: conception rate, stillbirth, gestation length, and calving difficulty. We know each of these traits impact reproductive success.
How does our index work?
The BeefAdvantage Index starts with an ABS evaluation that assesses the sires based on their performance in the traits listed above. Then, it weights those traits based on their potential profit impact for a point gained or lost on a dairy. Thus, you can take out the guesswork of selecting the right beef sires for profit relating to dairy performance indicators.

Beef InFocus is the only beef on dairy program that tests and hand-picks bulls based on dairy performance. Our entire line up has been proven to perform on dairies, so you can assure consistent performance.
Intended for Beef Supply Chain Marketability
At ABS, we begin with the end in mind. Beef genetics specifically chosen to increase the terminal value of your beef cross calves is the foundation of Beef InFocus. With a strong emphasis on terminal traits in our genetics, we have established beef supply chain networks that recognize the value of Beef InFocus and the investment we have made creating the highest quality beef crosses the market has to offer. Therefore, utilizing Beef InFocus on your dairy increases your opportunity to create a differentiated, traceable, and premium beef cross calf.

Beef InFocus is the only program that provides dairies with full supply chain market access.

Bred by design.
Validated by data.
Driven by results.
Beef InFocus is the premier beef on dairy program designed specifically for dairy producers looking to make the best beef cross calves. ABS is your trusted source to create more valuable beef crosses without compromising the foundation of your dairy.
Get in touch with an ABS Representative today about creating more valuable beef cross calves with Beef InFocus by completing the form.
What Customers Have to Say

“Using Sexcel® and Beef InFocus™ semen has improved the performance of our dairy. We see overall improvement in: herd health, milk production, as well as reproduction. The Beef InFocus™ calves allow us to use our facilities, labor and extra feed to create a new profit center.”
Ebert Enterprises

“We’re trying to take advantage of the genetic potential all of our cows have through the GMS mating and we are trying to eliminate the worst by getting rid of those genetics with the beef and also the time same time we’re producing a calf that we’re getting a really nice premium on compared to our regular Holstein bull calf.”
Johnson’s Rolling Acres

“ABS has allowed us to accelerate genetic progress and now that we know we have the capability of getting a heifer calf our of our best cow and getting a beef animal out of our worse cow, we’ve began to implement genomics to further increase the genetic progress. The sky is the limit for how much we want to push in order to make a better cow.”